If you find yourself facing a mountain of monthly payments and see your outstanding loan balances hovering at the exact same amount for months or even years, you may be wondering how to consolidate debt in a way that protects your credit score, that lowers your payments, and still allows you to pay off your debts in a reasonable about of time. While there is no one "best" way to consolidate your financial obligations, there are likely several options available to you. Financial advisor and business analyst Carl Walins tells us that a consolidation loan, probably the most commonly thought of form of debt consolidation, isn't the only method to bringing loans together under a single payment umbrella.
"People wondering how to consolidate debt probably think of a consolidation loan first, but in reality there are a number of ways that you can consolidate your debt," Walins says. "For instance, one effective way to lump your loans together and lower your monthly payments and interest is to work with a credit counseling agency. In most cases, these agencies can work with your creditors to lower your interest and payments, while preserving your credit score and without the need to extend yourself with another loan".
Another debt consolidation method is to transfer high-rate credit cards to a lower-rate card. However, consumers should be careful to make sure they understand the parameters of the new, low rate credit card offer. "In many cases, that low rate is just a teaser to get your business and after the promotional period ends, your interest rate can skyrocket," Walins warns. "Beware of the fine print in the credit card agreement, and make sure you know exactly when the promotional rate ends".
So if you want to know how to consolidate debt and you think a new loan might be the best way for you, how can you make sure that you won't be gouged? Walins tells us to consider using equity in your home before taking on an unsecured loan. "In many cases you'll find that when considering how to consolidate debt, a home equity loan will provide a lower interest rate than an unsecured loan, since the lender is exposing themselves to less risk," Walins states. "Compare the rates of a home equity loan to a signature loan from the same lender before you decide which would be best for you. I would wager that in most cases, the home equity loan will be the cheaper loan overall".
In the end, Walins says that when advising others on how to consolidate debt, his best advice is to ask for help if you don't understand the many consolidation options available to you.
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